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Conservation at Cwm Weeg

In addition to the formal garden of just under 3 acres, Cwm Weeg features extensive areas of over 20 acres of meadows and woodland managed for wildlife. Wolfgang has been a keen conservationist most of his life and is recorder for Beetles for the Vicecounty of Montgomeryshire.

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T H E  G R E A T  M E A D O W

A dry, sunny Meadow full of wild flowers from March to September.

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B A R N ' S  W O O D

A ten acre mixed Oak wood within easy walk of Cwm Weeg.

One of the best Blue Bell woods in the wider area.

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C W M  W E E G  D I N G L E

An ancient, lime rich woodland full of Anemonees, Herb Paris, Woodruff, Sanicle and many others

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